
The body naturally produces hyaluronic acid that adds volume and smoothness to skin. Restylane® is a hyaluronic acid gel that can be used to treat moderate facial wrinkles, such as nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth), filling and smoothing the skin. Treatments typically last for about six months and can also be applied to the lips, cheeks, jowls, and other sagging facial skin.

Note! Patients considering Botox, other facial injections and any surgical procedure should avoid aspirin and other anti-inflammatory medications (Motrin, Advil, Ibuprofen etc.) for two weeks before treatment in order to avoid unusual bleeding or bruising.

Nasolabial folds before Restylane® treatment
Nasolabial folds after 3 mL of Restylane®.
“I was really amazed. I could see results right away—with the lines being gone.”

After your treatment, you might have some swelling, redness, pain, bruising, and tenderness. This will normally last less than seven days in the nasolabial folds.

Nasolabial folds before Restylane® treatment
Nasolabial folds after 3 mL of Restylane®.
“I noticed my smile lines were getting deeper. Now people say I look too young to be a grandmother.”

Swelling may be more likely in patients under 36 years, and bruising may be more likely in patients over 35 years.

Nasolabial folds before Restylane® treatment
Nasolabial folds after 3 mL of Restylane®.
“The lines prior to Restylane® were deep. I hated the way they looked.”

Rarely, the doctor may inject into a blood vessel, which can damage the skin.

Before treatment in lip with Restylane®
Lips after 3.4 mL of Restylane® (including initial and touch-up treatments).
Restylane® or Restylane®-L give you a level of lip enhancement that cannot be achieved with over-the-counter cosmetic products.

Patients should be limited to 1.5 mL per lip per treatment. If a volume of more than 3 mL total is needed to achieve optimal correction, a follow-up treatment session is recommended.

Before treatment in lip with Restylane®
Lips after 2.7 mL of Restylane® (including initial and touch-up treatments).
Made of a clear gel with a unique formulation, Restylane® or Restylane®-L can provide the fullness and definition needed to create lips that are just right for you.

To avoid bruising and bleeding, you should not use these products if you have recently used drugs that thin your blood or prevent clotting.

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